The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.
Present were Diana Jensen, Joyce Burgeson, Robb Keizer, Mitch Brown, and LIbrary Director, Kara Rice. Absent was Barb Woodley.
The minutes of August 10, 2016 were read and approved. Keizer moved to approve the minutes. Brown seconded. All aye.
Rice gave an update on the computer and printer situation at the library. The Deep Freeze software continues to work well. Because of some issues with electrical wiring the patron computers are unable to print to the main copier. Computer Zone is in the process of getting electrician bids to rewire.
Paint NIght at the Library: Rice reported this program was a big success. There were 26 participants and everyone was anxious for another paint night to be planned. Gillian is looking to do a Halloween painting sometime in October.
Story Time: The library will begin offering story time every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Rice has put an article in the paper, as well as, in the city newsletter. A calendar with a list of books and crafts will be created and sent to families and daycare facilities.
New library bookmarks: Rice shared the new library bookmarks created for new patrons. The bookmark lists library information such as hours of operatons, contact information and services. The book marks were created and printed through next day flyers with the cost of 10 cents a piece.
Dickinson County Staff Development Day: Rice shared that the library would be host to this year annual staff development day. Staff from the libraries in Dickinson County will be meeting for continuing education, as well as, team building skills. The Arnolds Park Library will provide a light breakfast for attendees with lunch being catered by Jimmy Johns. Each library/attendee is responsible for their lunch cost.
New Library Standards: The state library has rolled out new library standards that will take effect January 1, 2017. Rice shared a few of the standard changes that would impact our library. The biggest impact to keep our accreditation is with our current library software. It is now stated that library software must allow patrons an option to log in online to view their library account, fines, etc. Rice will look into software options but feels making the switch to Apollo would prove beneficial. Surrounding libraries use Apollo software and can help ease the transition. Both Milford and Spirit Lake have offered to train staff on the new software.
ASRL Conference: Rice is registered to attend the Small and Rural Library conference that will be held in Fargo, ND. The LIbrarians from Milford and Spirit Lake are attending as well. Rice will be sharing a room with Milford and carpooling to help keep the cost down. Rice will be at the conference on October 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th.
Bills: The bills were presented through September 14, 2016 in the amount of 6356.26. Rice reviewed the bills. It was explained that the bills were higher this month due to computer issues and Amazon’ billing system. After some discussion, Burgeson moved to pay the bills as presented. Keizer seconded. All aye.
The next meeting will be October 12, 2016.