(712) 332-2033



5:00 P.M.

The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

Members present were Joyce Burgeson, Mitch Brown, Diana Jensen, Barb Woodley, and Librarian Kara Rice. Absent was Robb Keizer.

The minutes of October 22nd were read and approved as corrected.

Under old business, Rice reported that the filters had not been installed on the computers yet. The IT person is busy. Her classes are finished for now.

Trick or Treat at the Library: The library had planned for 100 people, but 50 attended. Three new families got cards and checked out books. The staff discussed having it on another night next year when there weren’t so many activities going on.

The board members discussed advertising the library through DICKCO cable channel. Suggestions were to tell about Mahjong, the book club, and DVD’s available.

City Hall and the Library are hosting an open house with cider and cookies on Friday, December 12th from 9:00 to 3:00. They will play Christmas music.

Christmas at the Library will be Saturday, December 13th at 10:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Claus will be here. The children can visit Santa and Mrs. Santa will read books to the children. The library will close at noon and the movie “Polar Express” will be shown, with hot chocolate being served. The event will be advertised on DICKCO and the Lakes News Shopper. Rice is going to bring her Christmas tree from home for the library. The board members agreed that young children should be accompanied by an adult.

Burgeson asked if upcoming events could be posted on the library window or on a bulletin board by the front door.

Discussion of Interlibrary loan donations: Rice showed an example of a printed request suggesting a donation to defray the cost of postage for mailing the book. She will rewrite it to be specific to Arnolds Park Library and present a copy at the next meeting.

She also showed an example of sticker sheets for the inside cover of books for the reader to mark with their initials or library card no. to help them remember if they have read the book.

New copier update: Rice reported the new copier has arrived and does a wonderful job. The foundation may be willing to pay $750 if the Foundation members agree. Their annual meeting is December 1, 2014 at the library. Payment of the copier can be postponed until December.

Current budget report: Rice said the budget is right on schedule. With almost half the year gone, the expenses are at 32.99%. The salary line is well over, so some of the money could be used to cover the cost of the copier.

Proposed budget for FY 2015 – 2016: Rice presented copies of the proposed budget. The City Administrator had suggested figuring a 5% salary increase, with 5% also for FICA and IPERS. Rice explained the line items showing an increase. Supplies increased because the library is in need of some new shelving. She got a quote from Jones Library Sales for 10 shelves with brackets for $585.00. Rice would like to replace some shelves every year. She also suggested an increase in the part time salary line of perhaps $1,000 to give them more leeway when extra help was needed. The budget reflects a total increase of 3.5% over last year. The County Board of Supervisors have given the same amount since 2005. West Okoboji gives the exact amount required by the State. Rice and some other librarians will meet with the Supervisors soon to request an increase in their contribution.

The board members agreed to review the budget before next meeting and finalize the numbers in December.

Rice shared various ideas for programming next year.

Bills were presented for November 2014 in the amount of $747.96. Rice reviewed the bills. The phone bill was not reflecting the e-rate that should have been in effect. In checking, she was told the application was sent in September, but not entered until November. Century Link will be giving us a credit for July, August, and September. Brown moved to accept the bills as presented. Burgeson seconded. All aye.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, December 10, 2014.

Barbara Woodley
