(712) 332-2033



5:00 P.M.

The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

Members present were Joyce Burgeson, Mitch Brown, Robb Keizer, Diana Jensen, Barb Woodley, and Librarian Kara Rice.

The minutes of September 10th were read and approved.

Rice reported on filters for the computers. She had checked with Milford on what they use. They use filters that come with wireless routers. Next week the filters will be installed.

Updated circulation policy: There had been further discussion with the library staff and what the board had recommended for the number of DVD’s checked out. The staff felt 8 per library card would be fair. Burgeson moved to accept the change in policy. Keizer seconded. All aye.

Printer purchase: Rice said the existing printers were getting older and needing replaced. She would like to get rid of all printers, the scanner, and fax and get a machine that would do all in one. This printer would be kept behind the desk. She has had requests from patrons for a color printer. Monthly costs for ink and toner currently average $127 per month. Usage is currently 600 – 700 copies a month.

Options for purchase are purchase outright for $2,250 which includes the trade in of old printer, with a service agreement of $19.00 per month, or lease for $64.80 per month. The board discussed that after 63 months lease, the copier would have cost $4,832, more than double purchase price.

Discussion followed on finding out how much is left in the library budget for equipment and if the library foundation could help pay for a printer. Keizer moved to purchase a new printer with the maintenance agreement. Burgeson seconded. All aye. Rice will call Ron Schwartz of the library foundation to see if they would contribute. She will present a copy of the current budget at the next meeting.

Rice reported on a problem with Amazon not being able to furnish popular books in a timely manner, with up to a 10 day wait. The library will try Amazon Prime at $99 per month with free shipping on a 3 month trial basis. Other libraries which use it have said books are available immediately.

Rice reported on her librarian classes. She has two weeks left. The classes have been good and she learned a lot. She found out the State is going to revamp the PLM 1 class, so she won’t be able to finish until next fall.

Trick or Treat at the library is Friday October 30th after school until 8 p.m. It is a come and go party. The budget is $203. Some patrons are donating candy. There will be a bean bag toss, crafts, haunted hallway, etc. Rice is sending a flyer to Okoboji school to be sent home with the students and it was in the Lakes News Shopper. Burgeson suggested putting on the DICKCO news channel.

Update on computer relocation: Rice said there have been no issues with the change of location of one of the computers.

Bills through October 22nd were presented in the amount of $6,146.34. Rice reviewed the bills.

The credit card bill is mostly postage. The library doesn’t charge for inter library loan books, but all surrounding libraries do charge. Rice had thought about asking for a donation when a book is ordered. The board agreed to discuss more next month. Rice checked into why the Amazon bill was so high and found some of the charges were from four months ago. There being no discussion, Burgeson moved to accept the bills as presented. Brown seconded. All aye.

Jensen mentioned that it would soon be budget planning time for next fiscal year. She asked Rice to have a preliminary budget report for next month’s meeting.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 12, 2014.

Barbara Woodley
