The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.
Present were Diana Jensen, Robb Keizer, Mitch Brown, Joyce Burgeson, Barb Woodley and Library Director, Kara Rice.
The minutes of November 9, 2016 were read. Keizer moved to approve the minutes. Brown seconded. All aye.
Paint Night: Rice said the last paint night was full again. There were a total of 30 people at Milford and Arnolds Park. It was suggested that with so much interest, perhaps they could have a 4:30- 6:30 session for families that could come earlier, and then the 7:00 – 9:00 slot for working families. The program is going well, with only one small paint spill. The next session will be in late January or early February.
Library Foundation: The Foundation met recently and reported donations received of approximately $4,200. The Foundation committee agreed on spending the funds on replacing the bean bag chairs in the children’s reading area, for expenses of the summer reading program, buying a movie license, and a new Keurig coffee maker.
Rice said the library will be closed Saturday, December 24th. The board members were in agreement.
2016-2017 Budget YTD Review: At the 6 month mark, the percent of budget expended is 55.73%. Equipment maintenance expense has been an issue, the library programming has quadrupled, and periodicals will go a little over budget. Also for Sarah’s part time help, the library has been paying her IPERS and FICA which was not figured in before the budget was approved. In March or April, we will have a better idea of the exact dollar amount.
2017-2018 Budget Discussion: Last year $109,894 was budgeted, but the budget hadn’t been amended to factor in Sarah’s expenses. After amendment, the budget total was $125,000. Salaries and insurance are guesses at this point, but we should know by January what the wages will be. There will be an increase of $1,000 to $1,500 for maintenance and $1,000 for the IT contract.
Rice pointed out that by state standards, the library could have more employees, so we are saving money by having fewer full time staff. There was discussion of salaries, duties of part time staff, and the step system for raises. The board members felt this should be on the January agenda for discussion and possible action. The board members agreed to the proposed 2017-2018 budget figures drafted by Rice for presentation to the City Council.
The bills for December 14, 2016 were corrected to a total of $2,962.39. After brief discussion, Burgeson moved to approve the bills as presented. Keizer seconded. All aye.
The next meeting will be January 11, 2017.
Barbara Woodley