The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, February 8, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.
Present were, Robb Keizer, Barb Woodley, guest Mary Drier, and Library Director Kara Rice. Absent were Diana Jensen, Joyce Burgeson and Mitch Brown.
The minutes of January 11, 2017 were read and corrected. There being no quorum, minutes will be approved at the March meeting.
Rice introduced Mary Drier who is considering taking Joyce Burgeson’s place on the library board.
Library credit card: Rice reported a new card has been applied for, but not yet received. In the meantime, the city credit card number was stolen, so when a city employee used it, the transaction was denied. The library had to use petty cash to pay for items that were needed and will get reimbursed later.
IT contract: Mike from Computer Zone said after July 5, 2017, the City Office, Police Department, and Library will share the $750 per month cost currently paid by each office separately. The library didn’t get a detailed bill this month from Mike.
Paint night at the library: The next paint night will be Valentine’s Day night. The participants will be painting two pictures and putting them together, either couples or two friends.
The bills as of February 8, 2017 were presented in the amount of $2,731.66. Rice reviewed the bills. There being no quorum of board members, there was no motion to approve the bills. They will be presented for approval at the March meeting.
The next meeting will be March 8, 2017.
Barbara Woodley