Wednesday, February 7, 2018
The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.
Present were Mary Dreier, Barb Woodley, Mitch Brown and Library Director Kara Rice. Absent were Robb Keizer and Diana Jensen.
The minutes of January 10, 2018 were read and corrected. Dreier moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Brown seconded. All aye.
Budget FYE2019 and Council letter: Rice gave the board members a copy of a letter dated January 31, 2018 which she had given to the City Council members. It gave the council background information on last year’s library activities and library patron growth. The letter explained the FYE2019 budget proposal and the need for an increase of some of the line items. The City Council will be approving the budgets for all departments in the near future.
Library Board Continuing Education: The board had received a copy of Chapter 7 of the Iowa Library Trustee’s handbook entitled “Evaluating Board Effectiveness” for their study. Woodley had some questions on the programs offered by the Iowa State library for use in local libraries and Rice explained which ones the Arnolds Park library is using.
Bills were presented through February 7, 2018 in the amount of $1,850.75. Rice reviewed the bills. She explained a mix-up with the Brodart bill which is where they buy the clear covers for the books. All supplies were ordered at the same time, but the library was billed for two separate shipments. She is hoping to receive a refund for one of the shipping bills. The line item for Michael Fredrick for $20.00 was for a book by a local Iowa boy.
There being no other questions, Dreier moved to accept the bills as presented. Brown seconded. All aye.
The next meeting will be March 14, 2018.
Barbara Woodley