Wednesday, January 10, 2018
The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.
Present were Mary Dreier, Barb Woodley, Mitch Brown, and library director Kara Rice. Absent were Robb Keizer and Diana Jensen.
The minutes of December 13, 2017 were read and corrected. Dreier moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Brown seconded. All aye.
Rice reported on the movie day at Okoboji School that was sponsored by Jensen Realty. She said it went well.
Rice said she is already thinking about the summer reading program and wants to extend it through July 18th. The theme this year is Library Rock. She wants to get the middle school age kids more involved and has many ideas to engage the older students. She is hoping the library can use the Nature Center again this year for some of the programs.
Copier report: Rice said the wireless copier is here and working fine. After giving the company a deadline on delivery, it arrived in two days. Jeff from Computer Zone came to make sure the copier and computers worked together. The printer is working and the Deep Freeze program is working. Computer Zone is going to set up a separate e-mail account for the library for scanning and e-mailing documents.
Proposed Budget FYE 2019: Rice reviewed the changes from last year’s budget. The cost of living increase was set at 3% and may change. She added $150 to the clothing allowance to include part time employees. She will petition to the City Council to get this approved. The other changes were increased insurance on library contents and cost of periodicals and books. Under income, the library is only asking for approximately $3,000 more. She will submit the proposed budget by the end of January and meet with a committee of three council members in February to explain the new library budget. In March, the City Council will give final approval. Following discussion, Dreier moved to approve the proposed budget for FYE 2019. Brown seconded. All aye.
Dreier had a question on how the library accreditation process works which Rice explained.
Library Board Continuing Education: The board members had read and reviewed Chapter 6 of the Iowa Trustees Handbook on board members responsibilities and meeting rules.
The bills were presented in the amount for $1,021.29. After review, Dreier moved to accept the bills as presented. Brown seconded. All aye.
Dreier asked how to find out which new books are being added to the library inventory. Rice said she is adding a new section to the library home page listing new books coming out.
The next meeting will be February 14, 2018.
Barbara Woodley