The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.
Present were Diana Jensen, Robb Keizer, Barb Woodley, and Library Director, Kara Rice. Absent were Joyce Burgeson and Mitch Brown.
The minutes of June 8, 2016 were read. Keizer moved to approve the minutes as written. Jensen seconded. All aye.
Computer software: The “Deep Freeze” software has been installed. Now when the computers are shut off, they are wiped clean of any changes made during that day’s use. The city is changing computer companies, and the representatives found lots of issues needing to be cleaned up. New software was installed for connecting the computers to the printer. The new company called Tech Soup gives us access to really discounted programs.
The AWE computer has been ordered with the grant of $2,600. An additional $300 was used from the library budget for a desk and chair. The computer should be here by the end of July.
Discussion of computer partitions: Rice reported that recently a patron was viewing the screen of an adjacent patron making comments. This caused some argument. She asked how the board felt about having partitions between the computer stations. After brief discussion it was agreed that the time to do this would be when the city offices were being remodeled.
Library programming: Arnolds Park is partnering with the Spirit Lake and Milford libraries to sponsor author Heather Gudenkauff July 24th at the Milford Library. Her books will be available for purchase. Also Dan Gable is appearing at the Sami Center and Arnolds Park is helping to sponsor him. Creative Spirits will be giving a program at the library with a fee charged for materials and !0 each for programming. Tentative plans are for an evening in August.
Library use update: Rice presented a new graph showing that circulation was up almost 3,000 over last year.
Summer reading program: Rice reported on this summer’s reading program statistics. There were 237 registered participants. As of 7/12/16, books read by participants was 8,210 and free books given to the community were 660.
Rice showed the board members the thank you letter that was being sent to all businesses that donated to the program. She also presented a collage of photos taken of various activities during the program.
Bills as of 7/13/16 were presented in the amount of $4,927.24. Rice reviewed the bills. $1400 for periodicals was for the whole year. The $350 to Party Fun Rentals was for an additional bouncy house and with all the kids that came, it was definitely needed. There being no questions, Keizer moved to approve the bills as presented. Jensen seconded. All aye.
The next meeting will be August 10, 2016.
Barbara Woodley