(712) 332-2033

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

​The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, July 19, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

​Present were Mary Dreier, Diana Jensen, Barb Woodley, Mitch Brown, Robb Keizer and library director Kara Rice.

​The minutes of June 14, 2017 were read. Dreier moved to accept the minutes as written. Brown seconded. All aye.

​Computer Filters: Rice said the library received letters from Mediacom that someone was using the library computers to access and download copyright protected material. The library computer support service said this could be corrected by installing a computer filter software. Via e-mail, the library board members agreed to purchase this software and it has been installed. Rice said what happened is a library patron got into the router and created their own account which was used to download and copy movies. She was told this filter has a tracking device which may help to find the person doing this. The bill to pay for the software came out of last year’s budget.

​Bills through July 19, 2017 were presented in the amount of $6,955.27. Rice explained the total was higher this month because it is the time of year to buy new books that have come out and to renew magazine subscriptions. All 68 magazines are renewed at one time. The city credit had some charges for story time expenses and two new mouse for the computers. Donations paid for most of the summer reading program. After discussion, Keizer moved to accept the bills as presented. Dreier seconded. All aye.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, August 9, 2017.

​Barbara Woodley