(712) 332-2033

The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, June 14, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

​Present were Joyce Burgeson, Mary Dreier, Diana Jensen, Barb Woodley, Mitch Brown and library director Kara Rice. Absent was Robb Keizer.

​The minutes of May 10, 2017 were read and corrected. Burgeson moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Brown seconded. All aye.

​Rice said that she will be on vacation the date of our regular July meeting. It will be moved to the following Wednesday, July 19th.

​Report on Summer Reading Program: Rice said 138 kids signed up. They have had the Science Center program and the Magician. The zoo will be next week. There are lots of kids reading.

​Bills through June 14, 2017 were presented. Rice said the $17.00 to Milford Library was for a lost book. Friends of the Milford Library for $147.61 is for the program for Jerry Barlow, a guitarist who will appear July 14th in Milford. The Amazon bill was mostly for new movies and printer ink. After discussion, Burgeson moved to accept the bills as presented. Brown seconded. All aye.

​Following the meeting, a reception was held for Joyce Burgeson who is retiring from the library board after many years of much appreciated service.

​Barbara Woodley