(712) 332-2033

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
5:00 P.M.

The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday , March 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

Present were Joyce Burgeson, Robb Keizer, Barb Woodley, Mitch Brown and Library Director, Kara Rice.
Absent was Diana Jensen.

The minutes of February 10, 2016 were read and corrected. Keizer moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Burgeson seconded. All aye.

New receipt printer: Rice said the old printer died, so she did have to purchase a new one.

2016 – 2017 Budget: The City Council will be meeting tonight on the Library FY17 budget.

2015-2016 Budget update: Rice presented a print-out of the library budget as of 3/7/16 which showed the salary and insurance line items which need to be corrected because of the misunderstanding of sharing of the Police Dept. secretary. Also the library is over budget on equipment maintenance and expense largely due to computer usage being up and the installation of the “Deep Freeze” virus protection software. Rice will meet with the council to explain the computer usage and expenses.

Business donation letter: Rice wanted clarification from the board members on which businesses should receive a letter. The board agreed that all businesses within the Arnolds Park City limits should be sent a letter.

Grant: The grant application for purchase of early literacy stations will be submitted soon and the library should hear sometime in April. If approved, the council has voiced their support of any additional staffing issues with the new program.

Magazine subscriptions: Subscriptions will be paid in full July 2016. The cost will be $1,392.42. The remainder of the line item will be for periodicals.

Outside food and drink/cleanliness: Rice said some patrons have been bringing in big drinks and snacks. The library will post signs stating no outside drinks and snacks.

Bills were presented through March 9, 2016 in the amount of $2,113.77. Rice explained the bills. There being no discussion, Keizer moved to pay the bills as presented. Brown seconded. All aye.

Burgeson moved to adjourn. Brown seconded. All aye.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 13, 2016.

Barbara Woodley