(712) 332-2033

​Wednesday, March 8, 2017

​The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, March 8, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

​Present were Joyce Burgeson, Mitch Brown, Barb Woodley, Robb Keizer, and Library Director, Kara Rice.
Absent was Diana Jensen.

​Since there was not a quorum at the January meeting, those minutes were read as corrected as well as the minutes of the February meeting. Brown moved to approve the minutes as read. Burgeson seconded. All aye.

​IT Contract Update: Rice reported the IT contract has been revised to 10 hours to be shared by the Police Dept., City Office, and Library. The hours have to be used up before June 30, 2017. Any unused hours of technical service can be applied toward new equipment. There will be no contract. Service will be on call as needed. The city has asked for something in writing from Mike at the Computer Zone that the cost will not be raised.

​Paint night at the Library: Rice said the February paint class was cancelled because of so many illnesses. The library rescheduled for March 28th and gave a refund for the February class.

​Rice said she received notice from the State Librarian that due to the State budget cuts, there will be a 4.25% cut to the State Library budget. This will affect the State Aid and Enrich Iowa programs. Governor Branstad has signed the bill. Rice said it will not make or break the Arnolds Park Library, but it will be hard for smaller libraries that don’t receive many donations. The most disappointing news was that the Department of Education line item was cut by more than $15,500,000.

​Rice said she has been asked by several Moms to have a format for the summer reading program for 2 to 3 year olds on Tuesdays. She thinks she could use the “Build A Better World Program” funded by donations. She hasn’t decided on a format.

​One Mom leads a music therapy group and volunteered to come to the library to present a program.

​Bills were presented for February 8th for $2,731.66 and for March 8th in the amount of $2,366.25. Rice reviewed the bills. There were no questions. Keizer moved to approve the bills as presented. Brown seconded. All aye.

The next meeting will be April 12, 2017.

Barbara Woodley