(712) 332-2033

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

​The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

​Present were Diana Jensen, Mary Drier, Barb Woodley, Robb Keizer, Mitch Brown and Library Director, Kara Rice. Absent was Joyce Burgeson.

​The minutes of April 12, 2017 were read. Keizer moved to accept the minutes as written. Brown seconded. All aye.

​Rice reported that the card catalog on the computer is fixed so it can now be accessed by patrons by going to the library website.

​Memorials and donations: Rice said Dean Mitchell family gave the library a memorial of $1200. Some options for using the donation were a new recliner, a newspaper chair, newspaper racks or fire proof display case. The library has some records from the 1800’s that can’t be safely displayed right now.

​The Library Foundation is giving $1,000 to the library to pay toward the summer reading program and prizes.

​Summer reading program: Rice said she had visited the Okoboji Elementary library when the different school classes come to check out books and told the children about the Arnolds Park summer reading program. On the sign-up sheet, she has added the town so she can see where the children come from. All the programming is done and all the prizes are set.

​They are still having story time on Tuesdays.

​Bills were presented through May 10th in the amount of $3,726.08. Rice briefly reviewed the bills. There being no questions, Brown moved to approve the bills as presented. Keizer seconded. All aye.

​The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 14, 2017.

Barbara Woodley