(712) 332-2033

Arnolds Park Library Board
​Wednesday, October 11, 2017
5:00 p.m.

​The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

​Present were Mary Dreier, Robb Keizer, Barb Woodley, Mitch Brown, and library director Kara Rice. Absent was Diana Jensen.

​The minutes of September 13, 2017 were read and corrected. Dreier moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Brown seconded. All aye.

​Copier Options: Rice reviewed the libraries copier options from the information presented at last month’s meeting by Mike Sewell of Access Systems. The equipment proposed was a Sharp Model MX-3050N. Lease cost would $213.20 per month for 60 months. This would include all parts, labor, toner, and service calls a certain number of mono copies and color copies per month. Any coverage would be billed at a small fee per copy. Rice presented a copy of the budget as of 10/9/17 and the board members discussed which line item would be used for paying for the lease of the new copier/printer. Options were Equipment Maintenance and Supplies, Travel and Training, and Computer/Internet.

​Rice said she would move the libraries small copier near to the librarian’s desk. It would be used very little. The new one would be available for patron use. After discussion, Brown moved that the library lease the MX-3050N model copier/printer from Access Systems. Dreier seconded. All aye.

​Computer Filter/IT: Rice reported there haven’t been any more breaches in the system since mid-September. She wondered if there was a connection to the time frame the J-term students were in the area. She suggested watching for any activity and if we get through the whole winter without a problem, in early spring change the libraries Wi-Fi password weekly to prevent any illegal downloads. Discussion followed. The Computer Zone said they could try to find out who was doing the illegal access and Police Chief Krueger said the city would press charges if they wanted to.

​Apollo Software: Rice said the Apollo software is installed. This allows online access to the library catalog. Patrons can view a list of books, click on any to find more information on what the book is about and whether it is currently in or checked out. Patrons can also put a reserve on a book to be held for them when returned. Rice explained some of the nice options of the program. When checking in returned books, when she is finished, the program will automatically print out the name and phone number of the person who has the book on reserve. Also when one patron checks out several items, the program will print a receipt of all the materials and when they are due. Rice also explained some of the glitches in the program that are being worked out.

​Library Board Continuing Education: The board members had been provided the assignment of reading and review of Chapter 3 of the Library Trustees handbook on Code of Ethics. Rice reminded the members they need 5 hours of continuing education.

​Bills were presented through October 11, 2017 in the amount of $2,668.08. Rice said the Amazon bill was higher because it was for 1 1/2 months worth of books. There being no questions, Dreier moved to accept the bills as presented. Brown seconded. All aye.

​Rice had received the new printed Versa cards with a photo of Arnolds Park City Hall printed on them. New cards will be issued to Arnolds Park Library card holders who are currently active. New patrons will be issued cards as they request them. Each town in Dickinson County is issuing their own cards to their residents, but the one card allows the holder to check out materials from all the libraries within the county. The new program will start the first of the year.

​The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 8, 2017.

Barbara Woodley