(712) 332-2033

The Arnolds Park Library Board met Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Arnolds Park Library.

Present were Diana Jensen, Mitch Brown, Barb Woodley and Library Director, Kara Rice. Absent were Joyce Burgeson and Robb Keizer.

The minutes of September 14, 2016 were read and approved. Brown moved to approve the minutes. Jensen seconded. All aye.

Rice explained the continuing education training she recently attended.

Computer/Printer Updates: The patron computers were unable to print to the main copier. Rewiring them was going to cost $1,000. Another option was to have the patron computers hooked to their own printer. This option would also allow them to print from a phone or laptop. Cost would be approximately $399.00. Rice reported there was a problem with online card catalog access. It was not set up right. For $25.00 a month they can hook up a server where the catalog would be stored. It was decided that the city offices, library and police department would share the cost of the computer maintenance contract. Each office will share 3 hours a month.

Paint night: The September paint night went so well, the library had another one in October. 30 person attended. They will have another one early December.

Story hour: A story hour was started this month on Tuesday mornings. The first week only one family came, but the next two weeks had 9 families attending. Next Tuesday the children will wear costumes, make a craft, and trick or treat at the City Hall offices.

ASRL Conference: Rice will be attending the Small and Rural libraries conference in Fargo, ND October 26th through October 29th. The other staff will be covering the library in her absence.

Apollo Software: The library is updating to the Apollo Software program to comply with some of the new state standards. In November there will be a refresher course online for the library staff. The switch will be made sometime in January or February. The program is not that much different, but more user friendly. It is about double the cost of the current software, but other programs out there are also expensive.

Library Donations: Rice reported that Joan Williams willed $5,000 to the library. This will go to the library foundation to cover future projects and expenses.

Bills were presented in the amount of $4,567.97. Rice reviewed the bills. She said the Computer Zone bill includes $750 for the yearly contract and $350 for a new printer. The other bills were normal supplies and books. There being no discussion, Brown moved to accept the bills as presented. Jensen seconded. All aye.

Rice said next month we will look at the budget to see if any amendments are needed for the remainder of this fiscal year.

The next meeting will be November 9, 2016.

Barbara Woodley